72 miles
BEST: Long downhill to campground of about 15 miles.
WORST: Getting in trouble for being 8 minutes late on packing the truck.
MOST UNEXPECTED: Passing Ginkgo Petrified wood park, stopping, and seeing the rock trees under cages. Acacia is pictured.
After a very long night (campground is right next to I90 so very noisy) Packed up my very wet tent, ate a bagel which was not very satisfying, and rode out. Scenery was still fabulous, many rivers, log cabins, real live horses and llamas. Best part of the day (aside from what I wrote above) is a fabulous tailwind which made it a very easy ride. Lunch was PB&J, then a gradual climb to the long downhill to the campground. It was a very sudden transition on the ride today from forested landscaped, to high desert, all in about three miles of riding.
My very wet tent from a day and night of raining
The group which rode today together |
Steve is changing his tube for the fourth time on this ride, and this pit stop included doing it twice when the first fix flatted in 5 feet.
Sounds like a wonderful day of riding. I love the picture of you! I miss that smile.